Honey Belle 紫水晶按摩走珠,这个特殊的宝石利用它的力量,通过阻止重力给皮肤带来的伤害;它可以带来和平、和谐和好运;通过这个面部工具按摩皮肤,可以最大限度地提高你的护肤效率;这种走珠的使用,也被称为东方面部提拉,是一种古老的面部按摩技术,促进皮肤解毒,减少老化迹象,增加皮肤弹性,改善黑眼圈和眼袋下垂
○ 品牌:Honey Belle
○ 可以带来和平、和谐和好运
○ 提拉效果明显
○ 玉石质地坚硬,品相完美
○ 通过阻止重力给皮肤带来的伤害
○ 以最大限度地提高你的护肤效率
○ 促进皮肤解毒,减少老化迹象,增加皮肤弹性,改善黑眼圈和眼袋下垂
○ 所有肤质
○ 这款按摩走珠适用于面部,取适量按摩油/按摩膏涂抹在按摩珠上,可以从前额往两边按摩,直至发际线;也可以从下巴往腮帮处按摩
○ 避免本产品直接触及眼睛,如进入眼内,请立即用清水冲洗
○ 外用产品不可食用
○ 请放在儿童无法触及的地方
○ 如发现皮肤有任何不适请立即停止使用
○ 使用后请盖紧盖子
Amethyst helps to alleviate stress by attracting positive energy and relaxing the mind. This crystal can help bring insightful solutions to problems.
Maximise your skincare routine by incorporating this crystal roller to massage your skin. Facial rolling is a popular facial massage technique that promotes healthy, glowing complexion. Honey Belle Amethyst Facial Roller incorporates a natural one-of-a-kind gemstone with rose gold accents.
Key benefits:
- Increases elasticity of skin.
- Reduces appearance of pores.
- Boosts overall collagen levels.
- Promotes lymphatic drainage.
- Eliminates toxins.
- Reduces puffiness & wrinkles.
Colours and texture will vary slightly due to natural formations in each stone.
Directions:After applying your skincare, take the facial roller and roll from the centre of your face up and outwards towards your temples. On the forehead, roll in an upwards motion. Repeat the same motion on the sides of your nose for a completed facial massage.
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